Jobmonitor. Search results for EDF EN Services Belgium

1 Jobs found

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  • EDF EN Services Belgiumx
Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
  • Company EDF EN Services Belgium in Villers-le-Bouillet
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 22.03.2025

    As Field Support Technician, you are responsible for managing and following-up predictive maintenance tasks. Your are also in charge of supporting the Service teams on troubleshootings and overseeing corrective maintenance on the mid-long term. Permanent missions Field Support Technician § TBS supporto Support service teams on site for complex TBSo Perform the troubleshooting in accordance with the protocolo Accompany teams on site during tbs and during specific works§ Work Instructionso Edit work instructions on recurrent troubleshooting based on knowledge gatheredo Edit work instructions for specific workso Gather feedbacks from service technicians about troubleshooting and instructions, update the process flow accordingly§ Event reports & root cause analysiso Edit event reports & RCA's ...

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